Who Are We?
Published: Category: General Estimated Reading Time: ~2 minutes foundational
Since the beginning of our high school careers, we have begun to see an unnerving trend begin to appear in the mainstream media news sources. This trend has been analyzed much more in depth elsewhere and we will be touching on it with future essays, but it is simply this, the Right is either repressed or demonized while the Left is allowed to run amok while denying reality and refusing discussion have become the norm. As two white men who have been born to middle-class and well-educated parents, we have been berated and oppressed as an attempt to force us into silent complacency, but we have had enough. This website was formed as a way to combat this oppression, and to tell the opinions that would be redacted should anyone attempt to publish them in the Left big boys.
This website was formed as a way to strengthen the growing voice in opposition to the fake news. We by no means are demanding our own little safe space as some may claim as we invite discussion, we invite people to debate, and we invite people to make wild accusations because frankly we do not want to speak and hear nothing but our echo return. Nothing would be accomplished or advanced if we did. Conflict and discussion breed the winds of changes that have propelled the ships of civilization forward. There would be no American experiment, no dark ages that led to golden lights, and no great conquerors that unified the world if they did not have conflicts in their path to conquer.
We strive to follow three simple policies ‒ truth, integrity, and ethicacy.