Children are Not Adults, Duh
Published: Category: Ideology Estimated Reading Time: ~5 minutes
Last week I planned on attending a “fancy” dinner with my friend Anthony, his parents, and his younger brother. About half an hour before the event, I arrived to his house, and walked into a very audible fight between Anthony’s mother and his younger brother. His mother was angry because the young man was not dressed for dinner. The 7 year old came out of his room with a fortnite shirt on, a bathing suit, one sock, and a really bad attitude. After hearing anger from his mother, the young man, promptly, broke out into tears and ran back into his room. The fighting pursued. Long story short, we missed the dinner reservation, he was yelled at, and the 7 year old kid is probably not mature enough to make most decisions for himself.
Although the stress and mental gymnastics one must go through at the age of 7 can be tremendous (please, dear goodness, understand that this is sarcasm), their brains are still pruning, maturing. They do not and have no way of fully understanding the weight of their decisions. Now, if we go back down the ages, the ages of 6, 5, 4, 3, their decision making skills get even worse as their brains are even less developed. A writer at the Daily Wire, Matt Walsh describes these kids very elegantly,
“A three-year-old child can’t reliably make any choice, in any context. Take a three-year-old to Baskin Robbins and ask him which flavor he prefers, and he will give you 14 different answers before collapsing into tears. Let a three-year-old decide what outfit he’s going to wear, and he’ll emerge from his room wearing one shoe, no pants, and a diaper on his head. Allow a three-year-old to choose his dinner and he’ll be eating a bowl of ketchup with a side of gummy bears and whipped cream. A child at that age has not developed the cognitive ability to assess a variety of options and decide which course is correct, safe, and healthy.”
Children at this young age simply are not developed enough to make daily choices on their own, let alone long-term life-altering decisions about their health, of all things.
Actor and journalist Mario Lopez dared to state his opinion this week. Commenting on the issue of transgenderism at a young age. Appearing on the Candace Owens show, he said,
“Look, I’m never one to tell anyone how to parent their kids obviously and I think if you come from a place of love, you really can’t go wrong, but at the same time, my God, if you’re three years old and you’re saying you’re feeling a certain way or you think you’re a boy or a girl or whatever the case may be, I just think it’s dangerous as a parent to make this determination then, well, OK, then you’re going to be a boy or a girl, whatever the case may be … It’s sort of alarming and my gosh, I just think about the repercussions later on.”
The truth is simply that there is nothing remotely “evil” or “rude” about what he said. Observing that a three year old kid, an individual who enjoys the same pastimes as a Golden Retriever, such as rolling around in the mud and eating everything they can get their tiny hands on, are immature and underdeveloped is common sense. Although this seems simple, Lopez received massive backlash online from leftists across the globe, and was forced to apologize for his “ignorant” comments.
Obviously, nobody can choose their own sex or gender, due to the fact that chromosomes and freshman year biology exist. But the mainstream Democratic Party’s position on this issue is so preposterous that even if a person would grant that an 18 year old adult could legally change their gender, they would still be irrevocably wrong in believing that a three-year-old can make that decision. There is a reason why a toddler cannot vote, cannot drive, buy alcohol, take out a mortgage, or purchase a firearm. They are simply too young.
Young children cannot grasp the distinction between fantasy and reality. I remember when my younger brother was just 4 years old, he tried to leap from the bannister on the second floor of our house. I barely stopped him and sternly told him that he cannot ever do that or he would get very hurt. He responded like a toddler, “No, you’re wrong, Spiderman jumps off of stuff all the time!” Are we as a society, really going to believe that these young children, who are so -ignorant and immature — so innocently detached from reality- can make declarations about their gender or their mental health? As adults, we have a duty to make decisions for and to guide these young children during their developmental stages. It is our job, to be adults. It is completely backwards, inane, and asinine to believe otherwise.
Referenced - On Transgender Three-Year-Olds.” Daily Wire, The Daily Wire, 31 July 2019,
Referenced - Rohin, Wendy, et al. “Brain Development of Children from 0-6 Years - Facts Every Parent Should Know.” ADAM & Mila, 18 Oct. 2018